Business And Financial News : Npr
Pavel Durov spoke for the first time since his arrest, calling it a “misguided strategy” to fight the unfold of illicit content material on Telegram. Family Dollar plans to shut no less than 600 areas in 2024, and other retail chains are shutting down shops for a big selection of causes. Musk has just lately been more vocal about supporting Republicans, but he is donated to lawmakers from each events going back to the early 2000s. A federal choose Business News sentenced an American Airlines mechanic to nine years for attempting to smuggle 25 pounds of cocaine worth $250,000 into the US. If his health permits, 68-year-old Gates stated he hopes he’ll have the power to work for one more “20 or 30” more years. SpaceX launched the Polaris Dawn mission with two SpaceX engineers, a former Air Force pilot and the billionaire who funded the personal spaceflight.